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The data you need to keep your communities safe.

Detect, track, and respond to RF threats faster and more reliably with Hidden Level’s global sensor network. With the ability to sense crewed and uncrewed aerial activity, spectral weather, and more, you’ll get the data you need to drive better decisions.
Instant data access. Open, interoperable architecture. Flexible subscription-based plans. Encrypted, restricted, secure. This is how you secure your airspace, easily.
support BVLOS operations.
Fly beyond visual line of sight. By blanketing low-altitude airspace over vast geographic areas, Hidden Level provides the visibility and data you need for authorized BVLOS operations.
secure your airspace.
Protect the airspace around stadiums, airports, and VIP buildings, secure data centers from cyber-threats, prevent contraband drone deliveries to correctional facilities, and more.
key benefits of data as a service.
Get instant access
No wait time.
Get instant access to best-in-class global sensing data to drive better decisions.
Improve communication
Better coordination.
Work from a common operating picture to coordinate rapid, decisive action across multiple stakeholders.
Integrate Easily
Secure & seamless integration.
Integrate using our open API, secured by FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptography. Or use our turnkey web interface.
zero maintenance
Zero headache.
Get real-time, actionable data from a global sensor network that’s owned, operated, and maintained by Hidden Level.
Our global sensor network.

The best data. powered by the most advanced sensors.
our sensors are imbedded in urban and rural areas across the globe to get you the data you need, easily.
Delivering aerial security to...
Built to make a difference.
Case Study.
Hidden Level deployed sensors to provide 24x7 UAS and UAS operator detection and tracking around the city’s most critical infrastructure and popular venues.